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<a href="http://www.sodahead.com/entertainment/who-sings-better-aretha-franklin-or-whitney-houston-or-who-do-you-prefer-and-why/question-2521909/" title="Who sings better; Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston, or who do you prefer and why?">Who sings better; Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston, or who do you prefer and why?</a>
<a href="http://www.sodahead.com/entertainment/who-sings-better-aretha-franklin-or-whitney-houston-or-who-do-you-prefer-and-why/question-2521909/" title="Who sings better; Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston, or who do you prefer and why?">Who sings better; Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston, or who do you prefer and why?</a>
   Very sought-after, chocolate roses have caught the imagination of all who have seen one. The chocolate rose is known for its inimitable fragrance and rich, cinnamon brown blooms which are redolent of deep, beautiful, sweet chocolate. Some chocolate roses are buds, while others have fully blossomed. A fully blossomed chocolate rose will be matchless for it is complete. And though no  chocolate rose will look the same, still all are beautiful. I share with you the chocolate roses I have been fortunate enough and had the pleasure to get a glimpse of.  
                              ~ Juan Williamson

"Life is very short and what we have to do must be done in the now." ~ Audre Lorde

​"Education remains the key to both economic and political empowerment."
                                     ~ Barbara Jordan
“I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try."
                                     ~  Nikki Giovanni

Beautiful thought provoking spoken word.  Please enjoy listening to black pride and brilliance.

Black women write differently from white women. This is the most marked difference of all those combinations of black and white, male and female. It's not so much that women write differently from men, but that black women write differently from white women. Black men don't write very differently from white men.
                           Toni Morrison in Black Women Writers at Work (1983) by Claudia Tate

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Happy Birthday to the fierce, talented and beautiful 
Theresa Randle born 
December 27, 1964.

We thank her for her strength and her positive contribution.
Michelle J. Howard

“I believe in me more than anything in this world"                                                                                                         ~ Wilma Rudolph
Play Classic Arcade Games
Play Classic Arcade Games
On September 16, 1997 relatives, Sheila Lynn Jeter and Ruane Sharon Jeter received a patent for the hand-held, multi-functional devices in one housing unit which included a stapler, staple remover pencil sharpener, hole punch, calculator, tape measure, architectural and engineering scale.  
ChocolateRose.biz is an Amazon affiliate. All Amazon products can be ordered through our aStore here on our site. If you are and Amazon customer; we ask and would appreciate it if you would search for products and create your orders here through our aStore on our site. As you shop and add products to your shopping cart, at checkout you will be taken to the original Amazon site to complete your purchase through your normal account. Any small portion of funds we receive from orders processed through our site will be used to assist in funding the events our Chocolate Rose Foundation will have in the future for young African American women here in our Dallas communities. This way you will not only get the great products you love but also a portion of the funds you spend on your products will serve another great purpose in broadening the horizons of young women. Thank you very much. 
Hot Fashion pic of the day courtesy my friend  @duckie_
confetti from  instagram 

All water has a perfect memory and is  forever trying to get back to where it was.
Toni Morrison

As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think.
Toni Morrison

At some point in life the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need to photograph, paint or even remember it.
 It is enough.
Toni Morrison